Cosmics, 2024

    Introduction to Cosmics, a Sci-fi fantasy based on a true story 
There is a path, know to the chosen, that can lead to secret knowledge and awareness. It possible such knowledge can be transmitted to the seeker in the form of books, signs, traditions and technology. Many people believe that the Bible reveals the word of God, but it also contains many stories of angels, visions, miracles, curses, and magical thinking. When Adam fled the garden of Eden, some believed he carried with him a book of angelic wisdom. The patriarch Enoch was given a similar heavenly book. For the theosophist Madam H. Blavatsky, it was the Book of Dzyan. Jesus Christ is said to have taught his disciples occult teachings too sacred for the outer circle. We can also consider the dark side (the left-hand path).
    There are many books which claim to contain Forbidden Knowledge. To start, consider the story of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, from the Bible. God said to eat of it will bring death on that day, and yet Adam lived nearly one thousand years. Is death anything more than the end of the functioning of biological body, then the worse that can happen is nothing. Forbidden knowledge indicates there is more to life, and death, than authorities and traditions are willing or able to tell us. The truth is stranger than fiction, but first let me tell you a story..
     When Spiritualism entered the Western world, in the early 1900s, it destabilized Christianity. Eastern mysticism and occultism were being imported into Victorian society by Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Madame Helena Blavatsky and others. In the novel Vril: the power of the Coming race, Bulwer-Lytton wrote of an ancient subterranean race of superhumans. Blavatsky incorporated some of the best ideas from Vril to create the masters and root races described in The Secret Doctrine. 
    Superman began in Action comics #1 in 1938 by two young Jewish cartoonists. This character incorporated both the qualities of the Jewish messiah and a vision of the next step in human evolution as outlined in the Secret Doctrine. But for Nazi Germany, it wasn’t just a comic book fantasy. They incorporated their Eugenics program into their occult religion, a political party and a bizarre scientific quest. 
    At the beginning of 1939, a Nazi expedition explored an uncharted area of the Antarctic, an area they called Neuschwabenland. The expedition established a base camp. Contact was made with an underground advanced civilization of a so-called Nordic race posing as gods or alien visitors. Meanwhile, humans discovered other entities on earth, including powerful reptilian aliens. There were great battles on earth and at the far reaches of the solar system. A period of relative peace allowed for agreements to be made between human governments and the other humanity, resulting in a powerful interstellar network and apace fleet. 
    The modern era of UFO encounters began in 1947 with the sensational sighting reported by Kenneth Arnold, followed less than two weeks later, by the Roswell crash. Perhaps the most amazing event happened just a few years later when two UFOs were seen flying over the White House despite being tracked by military radar under high alert. By the end of the 1950s all government agencies with covert operations were affected by the UFO reality. This was an adjustment to allow social systems to be reformatted to include the alien presence on earth (the Alien Agenda), financed by a secret government. Men of power and influence sought to cheat the fate of the common man. Secrets of immortality, teleportation and mind control were within the grasp of the elite and hidden by an interplanetary hierarchy, including the inner circle of a secret cabal which opposed the open policies of President Kennedy and dangerous crusades of his brother Robert. They were marked men.

The Last American Novel was the title of the book I held in my hand as I sat in the Electric Church community library. Outside, the rain fell in torrents. I thought, I should read the book that I’ll find after this one. I scanned the shelves until a book titled “Etidorhpa” caught my eyes. It had an opening quote twist, “Never less alone than when alone.” I thought, could someone be watching me? What about whoever reads this? Is anybody out there? Maybe there is a part of me in someone else… in you. Later in the solitude of my dome space I impulsively started to write these words, which rise from bubbles of thought that repeat the words, I Am. I thought no matter what, don’t look in a mirror. I am here. I heard it. I looked around me but said nothing because, you know, I’m not crazy. But I soon went into therapy anyway.

I had an understanding therapist. He was never so crass as to call me crazy or sick, but I knew what he was thinking. He was never so harsh as to call me crazy or sick I felt I was like a dweller on two planets. I had a fairly normal life of a kid preoccupied with games, toys and adventures. But under the surface was a secret world I created with ideas accumulated from school, movies, social media and my father. Naturally, I hung out with the nerdy kids. Things became a bit queer when I met Herm. 

I was hiking around Tilden Park in Berkeley with me dog Bitchie. I thought we were alone in the forest, until she caught the scent of something moving in a tree. It was a kid like me, only much smaller, butt nakid but, at first, I couldn’t tell the gender. I even asked but the only response was yes. He claimed to know of me because our parents knew each other. In some ways, my childhood was fleeting. I gave up most of it to follow the path of my father. He was an intern for the great Werner von Braun. Their dream became my dream. When my father gave me the opportunity to follow him to the stars, I didn’t hesitate to leave everything behind.

(Notes: In 1947 Werner von Braun was requested by the president to do a quick analysis of the crash site at Roswell. Von Braun later revealed the results and much more information to President Kennedy in 1963. Kennedy began to push heard for disclosure from the CIA about the 'alien presence,' but the secret government cabal was already moving toward his assassination. Kennedy had too much about their nature and plans. The fix was in. LBJ was ready to play ball.)


My father introduced me Dr. von Braun. I with him in his office until, without a word, Werner turned to his safe, removed an object, placed it in my hands and asked for my impression. I said it was not from anywhere I know of. He chuckled. I had only a few moment to examine it. It was metal of a color I had never seen before. The artifact seemed to pulsate or breathe. This was a moment of true nonordinary reality. 
    My mother was a hippie. I was always attracted to alternative lifestyles and culture. I went to the 50th anniversary of People's Park. The crowd was mellow, and the music was good. For a moment, I thought I saw Wavy Gravy in a clown suit, but I was distracted by the scent of good bud.  Yes, I did inhale.  I got high. I had a vision or maybe it was just a dream. I wandered aimlessly until I found myself on the Berkeley campus, drawn to Sather Tower. From the observation deck my eyes followed the busy human ants below until I saw a flash of light above me. There was a large object in the sky above me but it was invisible but somehow I could see a subtle distortion in the sky, like an optical illusion. It seemed to be descending. I could see a faint rectangular opening. I felt myself rising toward it. I tumbled upward. The opening was a bright doorway a great translucent mothership. I could hear a tiny voice in my head cry, "don't go into the light!"

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